Oct 2016 – Mar 2023
I was employed at Logitech Inc. for roughly 6.5 years. I started as an individual contributor on the web team in a new role they didn’t have at the time – Lead Creative Technologist. The term “Creative Technologist” isn’t widely used. I like to think it’s because so few people possess the skill-set to wield it. At its simplest a Creative Technologist is (usually) a frontend developer, but one who’s not simply a programmer. It’s a programmer who also has a strong background in the creative arts, graphic design, motion graphics, iterative dynamic art, etc… Someone who has one foot in the programming world and the other in the design world.
Quickly, I was promoted to manage the entire frontend team, which at the time was only two developers, but over the course of a couple of years I grew that team to be 14 strong. As the web team grew it became too wieldy to have all work flow through one single team, so we splintered off into multiple “silos”, each with their own brand site or focus to dedicate themselves to. I became the team lead for the Logi B2C silo and was now managing both frontend and backend developers.
The Logitech site is an enterprise-level, e-commerce site boasting some impressive stats:
- 52+ million unique visitors per year
- $35+ million in revenue per year
- 150+ thousand pages
- 50 locales
During my tenure at Logitech, some of my notable accomplishments were:
- Architected, conceived, and implemented a communal codebase to be shared across all Logi brands, reducing code duplication and redundancy of five codebases down to zero.
- Designed and implemented a new Agile workflow that increased productivity and sprint velocity by 200%.
- Consolidated all build pipelines across five brand sites into one cohesive pipeline making it significantly easier for devs to get seamlessly reallocated to other teams.
- Spearheaded and lead the conversion of the entire Javascript codebase to Typescript which helped reduce coding errors considerably.
- Championed implementation of proper JS documentation to the codebase to reduce cognitive load for developers.
- Implemented weekly web-dev challenges to help foster an environment of learning and collaboration.
- Saved the company roughly 600hrs/yr of wasted developer time by designing and instituting a more robust, less error-prone Git workflow.
- Guided all architecture, workflow, and tech-stack decisions.
- Worked closely with the UI/UX team and various business groups to make sure all needs were met
- Directed development lifecycle from concept phase through to final release